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Classification Review Process

The classification process for positions to be considered for reclassification will be conducted annually. Positions subject to the classification review process are: All positions which are part of the CSEA collective bargaining agreement, confidential positions and classified/academic administrators. A reclassification review may be initiated by the employee, the employee’s supervisor/manager, or the Department of Human Resources & Employee Relations (HRER), when there is reason to believe that a position has evolved to an assignment that may be outside the unit member’s regular classification, subject to the procedures delineated below. Probationary employees may not apply for reclassification.

  1. The forms and a description of the procedure for the review will be provided by HRER to the individual initiating the review.

  2. Prior to the beginning of each window period (see Paragraph C, below), HRER will conduct orientation meetings during the month of November for employees who are considering requesting review of their positions. This orientation will include information related to the submittal process, forms, dates and specifically explains to the employee the importance of preparation of the information explaining their job functions and preparation of material submitted to the Classification Panel.

  3. Requests for review of a position will be allowed no sooner than twelve (12) months from the last reclassification review process of this position, if the previous reclassification request was denied. If the previous reclassification request was approved, a request for review of a position will be allowed no sooner than twenty-four (24) months from the last request.

    The window period for submitting the reclassification review requests shall be limited to December 1 through January 31 of each year. Employees requesting a review must give a draft of the position questionnaire to their immediate supervisor no later than January 15, to allow for supervisory/management review. Supervisor/management comments are to be submitted no later than January 31. This does not preclude further information being submitted as part of the final questionnaire. At the same time, employee will submit a separate form to HRER indicating the supervisor has received a copy of the position questionnaire. HRER will then track the document to ensure that the supervisor reviews and responds to the employee’s request for reclassification.

  4. Between February 1 and March 31, the Classification Panel will review and deliberate on each request, and request additional information as they deem necessary. No later than April 15, the panel will make a finding based upon the Hay methodology of job analysis (knowledge required, specialized and managerial know-how, human relations skills, problem solving, thinking environment/challenges, accountability, physical effort, environment and hazards) regarding the appropriate classification and/or range of the position(s) submitted for review. The employee and manager will be notified immediately of the Panel’s decision and rationale.  

  5. All reclassification recommendations will be sent to Budget Control for determination on impact to the budget and serve for informational purposes only.

  6. The recommendations of the panel shall be forwarded to Executive Cabinet for review no later than April 16. Executive Cabinet shall have from April 16 to May 20 for review and consideration of the Panel’s recommendations, and employee will be notified of the Executive Cabinet’s decision. The decision of Executive Cabinet is final and shall not be grievable.

  7. Reclassifications approved by the Executive Cabinet will be placed on the June Board agenda for Board approval and will be effective July 1 of that same year. In the event the process is not completed by July 1, any approved reclassification shall be retroactive to July 1 of that year.

  8. Seniority for any changes to an employee(s) classification shall be handled in the following manner:

    1. If an employee is reclassified to a different or new classification or title, and the previous classification remains intact, the affected employee(s) will retain their seniority in the previous classification and shall accrue seniority in the new classification on the effective date of the change.

    2. If the previous classification is abolished, then the affected employee(s) shall take their accrued seniority into the new classification. 

Reclassification Timetable

  • November: Orientation 
  • December 1 through January 31: Requests for reclassification are submitted 
  • February – March: Classification Panel reviews requests and gathers other information as required. 
  • April 1 – April 15: Panel makes recommendations and prepares a report for Executive Cabinet 
  • April 16 – May 20: Recommendations are forwarded to Executive Cabinet for review, consideration and final decision. Employees will be notified of the recommendation. 
  • May 21 – May 31: Executive Cabinet approvals are forwarded to budget control for review 
  • June: Decisions sent to Board of Trustees for final approval 
  • July 1: Approved reclassifications become effective