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Frequently Asked Questions

To obtain a quicker response, or to find an answer to a question not listed below, please visit our LiveChat at the bottom of our main page (https://www.norcocollege.edu).


I am getting slow response to my WebAdvisor queries. What is the problem?

There are a number of conditions that might affect your response time in WebAdvisor. Often an increase in the response time is related to traffic over the communication lines. Depending upon your location, WebAdvisor uses your campus Intranet, the Internet or both. The number of users on any portion of those systems will often slow the response time for everyone. Downloading large files via your institution's communications lines will drastically increase response time for all other users on the system. High levels of WebAdvisor use by other members of your institution also affect your response time. This is caused not only by increased user traffic, but also by the additional processing required of the institution's host machine to respond to WebAdvisor queries. An example of a high-use time period would be during your institution's Web registration period. You may also experience slower performance during peak usage periods for your Internet Service Provider (ISP). You should notify your IT staff if you continue to experience poor performance during non-peak usage periods.


Does WebAdvisor leave a "cookie" on my desktop to support its navigation?

WebAdvisor puts a session cookie on your desktop when you log into the system. When you close your browser, the cookie is erased.


How do I print a form using my browser?

For PC Users - You can print a form by clicking the Print icon on the Toolbar of your browser. Alternately, you can click File, and then click Print in the drop-down menu. Then click OK in the displayed Print dialog box. The document will be printed on the printer indicated in the text field Name in the Print dialog box. You can change the destination printer by selecting another printer in the Name drop-down list box and then click OK. Some of the forms will be more legible if you print them using Landscape mode. To print a form in Landscape mode, click File, then click Print, and then click Properties in the Printer dialog box. A Document Properties dialog box will appear. Click the Page Setup tab and then the Landscape radio button in the Orientation section of the dialog box. Click OK to set the Landscape mode and OK once more to cause the form to print. After the form has printed you might want to reset your system back to Portrait mode by following the same procedure you used to set Landscape mode.

For Macintosh Users - You can print a form by clicking the Print icon on the Toolbar of your browser and then click Print in the pop-up dialog box. Alternately, you can click File, and then click Print in the pop-up dialog box. The document will be printed on the printer indicated at the top of the pop-up dialog box. You can change the destination printer by clicking on the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window and then clicking Chooser in the drop-down menu. The Chooser dialog box will display a graphic of all the printers set up for your Macintosh. Select the new printer by clicking on the appropriate icon and then close the dialog box by clicking the upper left corner of the box. Some of the forms will be more legible if you print them using Landscape mode. To print a form in Landscape mode, click File and then Page Setup in the drop-down menu. Click the Orientation icon to change the printer setting from Portrait to Landscape mode. The accompanying graphic will illustrate that you made the change. Click OK to enable the setting and print the form using the instructions presented previously.


Which browsers can I use with WebAdvisor?

WebAdvisor will operate best with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. For best results the browsers should be Release 4.x level or later. While Internet Explorer Release 4.x functions satisfactorily on Macintosh platforms, you will achieve a more aesthetic appearance with Release 5. WebAdvisor has been installed on other platforms, such as X Windows, but it has not been rigorously tested on these platforms and the results may be problematical.

Can I order my textbooks online?

You can order your textbooks online for delivery or reserve them for pickup on-campus: 


What if I need help with WebAdvisor?

Information and login tutorials are available at .

Do I meet the technology and system requirements?

All Distance Education classes at RCCD use Canvas.  Check out the Canvas  to see if you meet the minimum requirements.


How does the District handle student academic integrity?

The District takes student academic integrity very seriously. When you register for an Distance Education course, the District provides students and faculty with a secure login and password. This password is issued to and is intended for the student who has enrolled in the Distance Education course section. The password and login are required each time the student and faculty member logs into their Distance Education course section(s). At that time, the student will affirm that he/she is the individual signing in and completing the work for his/her online courses. Additionally, some Distance Education course sections may require proctored examinations. Finally, plagiarism detection software is used by faculty members to ensure academic honesty.

Will 萝莉研究所 be allowing students to borrow laptops or WiFi hotspots?

Students: Do you need internet for your Winter or Spring classes?  Click on one or both of the links below.

If you are interested in requesting a WiFi hotspot, please click on the link below:

If you are interested in also requesting a laptop, please click on the link below:

Students requesting a laptop and/or hotspot will be able to borrow a laptop for the Winter 2021 academic term, provided that they are enrolled at 萝莉研究所/Riverside Community College District for each term. If a student completely withdraws or transfers, they must return the laptop and/or hotspot within 30 days. Students must return the item with all parts. The student is responsible for paying the replacement cost for the part (see table below). 

Item Type Replacement Cost
Hotspot varies
Hotspot Charger $10
Laptop varies ($500 - $1700)
Laptop Adapter $30


By completing and submitting the form, you understand that you are requesting to borrow a laptop and/or hotspot and agree to the terms stated above. Once the form is completed and approved, you will receive an email confirmation with your date and time for pick up.  DO NOT visit the campus until you receive your email confirmation.

Supplies are available on a first come, first served basis (hotspots are very limited). NOTE:  Fulfillment of hotspot requests may require extended time due to availability requirements. If you miss 2 pick-up appointments, you will be removed from the list and will need to submit a request form again.

