Student Employment
The Student Employment Program helps promote student learning by providing jobs on campus and off campus through Department Funded Work Study, Federal Work Study, or CalWORKs Work Study positions. All college work study positions are part time and limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Employers and supervisors are encouraged to provide work hours that fit within your class schedule. Hourly pay rates vary and currently start at the minimum wage; however, some positions may start at a higher rate of pay. For information on California minimum wage please click .
You must have a valid Social Security card and picture ID under the same name you
used to register for classes. Additionally, each program requires specific reporting
College Work-Study Eligibility Requirements:
- Must enroll in and maintain at least half-time enrollment (minimum of 6.0 units in Fall or Spring semesters, and minimum of 3.0 units in Summer or Winter sessions)
- Must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA (waived for new students)
- Must designate 萝莉研究所 as your home college (although, students may take classes at any of the colleges within the district)
- NOTE: Other requirements apply to students participating in the Federal Work Study and CalWORKs
Work Study programs. For a complete list of student employment eligibility requirements,
click here.
Hours & Location
Located in Student Services Building
Monday - Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM
Questions regarding the Student Employment program should be directed to Megan McDonald via e-mail to: Send Email