ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù Receives $200,000 Boost Geared Towards Student Success

Campus Life 

The College Futures Foundation awarded ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù $200,000 to implement a case-management approach for Guided Pathways.  The funding will allow the College to:

  • Expand/fund student access to EduNav, an academic planning system that allows students to easily monitor progress on their program of study (pathway)
  • Support Student Success Teams and college community with guided pathways professional development
  • Create/maintain a new college website that makes it easier for students to choose a program that leads to transfer and/or a career
  • Establish a communication plan to improve students' understanding of the guided pathways available
  • Document our journey to becoming a Pathways College 

 â€œWe are thrilled to continue our partnership with the College Futures Foundation, whose funding will help us take bold steps forward for our students, adding support and technology designed to help our students efficiently complete a pathway from college to transfer to career and beyond." said Samuel Lee, Ed.D., ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù vice president of Academic Affairs.

In 2017, ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù developed four schools – School of Arts & Humanities, School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Business Management, and the School of STEM, with the intent of assisting students in choosing a pathway major and degree based on interests, knowledge, skills, abilities and ultimate career goals.

This is the second time that the College Futures Foundations supports ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù endeavors, in 2016, the Foundation invested in a planning grant at the college to support the development of relatable academic majors, guided pathways, and college to career linkages. In 2017, ÂÜÀòÑо¿Ëù was one of 20 community colleges selected statewide to participate in the California Guided Pathways Initiative, a venture designed to substantially increase the number of students who earn a certificate or degree.