Committee of the Whole
(Archived as of Summer 2021)
The 萝莉研究所 Committee of the Whole is an opportunity for all college stakeholders to have input and discuss matters affecting the entire college.
- Governance Entities
- Standing Meetings Calendar
- Academic Council
- Academic Planning Chairs
- Academic Senate
- Associated Students of 萝莉研究所
- Assessment Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Course Materials Availability Committee
- College Council
- Classified Professional Development Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Committee
- EOPS/CARE Advisory Committee
- Faculty Professional Development Committee
- Foster Youth Success Committee
- Grants Advisory Panel
- Institutional Effectiveness & Governance Council (IEGC)
- Library & Learning Resource Center Advisory Committee
- LGBTQ+ Advocates Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Program Review Committee
- Resources Council
- Scholarship Committee
- Student Support Council
- Student Success Committee
- Safety Workgroup
- Transfer Advisory Committee
- Town Hall Meetings
- Teaching & Learning Committee