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- Placement results can be located in by clicking on Placements on the left-side menu then clicking Test Summary.
Students are highly encouraged to meet with an Educational Advisor or a Counselor to better understand placement results.
To find out which English as A Second Language (ESL) class to start with, visit to take the ESL GSP. You will receive an ESL placement.
Click here for further information about ESL.
Per AB 705, students have the right to complete our locally developed Guided Self-Placement process for English, math and English as a Second Language (ESL). This process can guide you in receiving a higher placement.
- For English Guided Self-Placement, students who do not place into ENG-1A directly may opt-out
of ENG-91 by completing a simple form. You can that is automatically approved. The form should take 2 - 3 minutes to complete. click here for further information.
- For math Guided Self-Placement, students must visit with a counselor (schedule online counseling appointment) to discuss appropriate placement. In certain circumstances, some students will be
referred to the Math Department Chair for further assistance in self-placement.
- For English as a Second Language (ESL) Guided Self-Placement, students who feel they would benefit from English language instruction may visit to take the ESL GSP.
AB-705 Information
California Assembly Bill AB 705 requires colleges to take into account high school
coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point average when determining
math and English placement upon enrollment.
How to take the Placement Survey