Mike You
Grad Stories (2014)
Mike You became a statistic when the Great Recession hit.
“The company where I worked for six years went out of business and I fell into a deep
depression,” said You, 32. “After several months I woke up one morning and decided
I wanted to go to school. Not knowing how to get started, I came to о.
Within a few hours I was registered and on my way to starting college in the spring
of 2011.”
He will finish his journey at о on June 12 when he graduates with fellow
students, and continue his education at Cal Poly Pomona studying civil engineering.
A 1999 graduate of Don Lugo High School, You said getting accepted into о’s
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) was life-changing. EOPS is a comprehensive
support program for students with economic and academic challenges.
“I was very fortunate to get accepted into the program,” said You, who hopes to start
a business after earning his bachelor’s degree. “The services that this program provided
kept my educational plans on track. There were many key players at the College who
assisted, encouraged and guided me, and my greatest supporters were my friends and
family. Without their support I would not have been able to continue this journey.”
“My time at о has helped me become more aware of who I am,” he said. “I
am no longer this introverted person who is afraid to ask for help. I’ve learned to
understand, relax, and apply the information I gained during my time at the College.”