Sergio Garcia
Stories (2021)
Sergio Garcia, alumni from 萝莉研究所, joined in the Fall of 2018 as a Machine Operator I at
Aranda Tooling.
Garcia had prior experience as a machinist from his home country in Mexico, but due
to lack of industry credentials, he was unable to move up within his company. It was
then when he decided to come to the United States in the quest for a new beginning.
Garcia not only enrolled in the apprenticeship program, but he also took ESL courses
to refine his English reading and writing skills. He recalls bringing his girlfriend
to his appointments to help translate.
Today, Garcia earned a certificate as a conventional machinist, and completed the
apprenticeship program as a , all while maintaining a 3.5 grade point average. He accepted a promotion with Aranda
Tooling, and is currently one of only a handful of tool and die makers throughout
the company.
To learn about the , contact the Apprenticeship office.