School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development

The School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development provides relevant, rigorous and career-focused degree programs that meet the needs of self-directed adults who seek to achieve educational and professional goals.
Certificates can be completed within one and a half to two years and lead to employment!
Each course required for the certificate must be completed with a "C" grade or better and all can be counted toward the degree as well as the major.
- Career and Academic Pathways
- School of Applied Technologies & Apprenticeships
- School of Business & Management
- School of Communication, Humanities & Languages
- School of Human & Public Services
- School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development
- School of Natural Sciences, Health & Kinesiology
- School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
- School of Visual & Performing Arts
- Department Chairs
- Academic Programs: Degrees, Certs, Trailheads, and Pathways
- Career and Academic Pathways
- School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development
- Academic Programs: Degrees, Certs, Trailheads, and Pathways
- Computer Applications & Office Technologies
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Engineering
- Math
- Multimedia-Simulation & Game Development
- Find a Pathway to a Bachelor's Degree
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Get Financial Aid
- Register for Classes
- Speak to a Counselor
- Student Handbook
- Math, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA)
- STEM Networking