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Meghan Chandler

Meghan Chandler

Assistant Professor, Art History

萝莉研究所 School of Visual & Performing Arts

Meghan Chandler is an Assistant Professor of Art History at 萝莉研究所 and holds a Ph.D. in Visual Studies from the University of California, Irvine. In addition to creating innovative Art History curricula, she has taught classes in Film Studies and Gender/Sexuality Studies. Her publication portfolio includes articles on feminist film theory, Surrealist photography and Riot Grrrl music videos, medical illustrations and Annie Sprinkle, and the history of Kodachrome color film stock. At 萝莉研究所, Dr. Chandler serves on the Honors Advisory Committee, LGBTQ+ Advocates Committee, Scholarship Review Committee, Technology Committee, and is a Puente Mentor.

To view the Art program page, click here.

To view the Art History program page, click here.

