Instructional Department Specialists
The Instructional Department Specialists are here to support faculty. They are available to answer questions and assist faculty with a wide variety of issues and tasks. Some of the major tasks that the IDS team is responsible for are the following:
- input of each semester's schedule,
- processing of teaching assignments,
- faculty attendance,
- purchasing,
- and, faculty wish lists.
Each IDS is responsible for assisting multiple departments and works closely with many different disciplines.
The IDS Team
Debbie Karrer
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
School of Visual & Performing Arts
(951) 372-7076
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Susan Lafferty
School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development
School of Natural Sciences, Health & Kinesiology
(951) 372-7079
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Melissa Olivieri
School of Applied Technologies & Apprenticeships
School of Business & Management
School of Human & Public Services
(951) 738-7777
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Yolanda Stanley
School of Communication, Humanities & Languages
(951) 372-7067
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- Career and Academic Pathways
- School of Applied Technologies & Apprenticeships
- School of Business & Management
- School of Communication, Humanities & Languages
- School of Human & Public Services
- School of Math, Engineering, Computer Science & Game Development
- School of Natural Sciences, Health & Kinesiology
- School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
- School of Visual & Performing Arts
- Department Chairs
- Academic Programs: Degrees, Certs, Trailheads, and Pathways
- Governance Entities
- Standing Meetings Calendar
- Academic Council
- Academic Planning Chairs
- Academic Senate
- Associated Students of 萝莉研究所
- Assessment Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Course Materials Availability Committee
- College Council
- Classified Professional Development Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Committee
- EOPS/CARE Advisory Committee
- Faculty Professional Development Committee
- Foster Youth Success Committee
- Grants Advisory Panel
- Institutional Effectiveness & Governance Council (IEGC)
- Library & Learning Resource Center Advisory Committee
- LGBTQ+ Advocates Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Program Review Committee
- Resources Council
- Scholarship Committee
- Student Support Council
- Student Success Committee
- Safety Workgroup
- Transfer Advisory Committee
- Town Hall Meetings
- Teaching & Learning Committee
- Aaron Eastwood
- Adam Martin
- Adriana Moreno
- Aldo Yanez
- Alexis Gray
- Ammanda Moore
- Amy Kramer
- Ana-Marie Olaerts
- Andres Elizalde
- Andy Robles
- Araceli Covarrubias
- Ashlee Johnson
- Bani Ghosh
- Barbara Moore - IN MEMORIAM
- Ben Palispis
- Bibiana Lopez
- Brady Kerr
- Brian Johnson
- Brittnee Quintanar
- Cameron Young
- Caroline Hutchings
- Christopher Lugo
- Dan Reade
- Dana White
- Darnell Bing
- David Payan
- Derek Ketcham
- Dominique Voyer
- Eileen Holt
- Elisa Chung
- Eric Doucette
- Erin Spurbeck
- Farshid Mirzaei
- Gail DeAngelis
- Glen Graham
- Hayley Ashby
- Inaki Zubizarreta
- Jacob Drainville
- James Finley
- Janet Frewing
- Jeff Clendenning
- Jeffrey Mulari
- Jessiah Ruiz
- Jessica Dobson
- Jethro Midgett
- Jesus Vela
- Jim Thomas
- Jody Tyler
- John Alpay
- John Coverdale
- John Moore
- Jose Sentmanat
- Joseph DeGuzman
- Judy Perry
- Kara Zamiska
- Kelly Carpenter
- Khosrow Rad
- Kiandra Jimenez
- Kim Kamerin
- Kimberly Bell
- Laura Adams
- Liam Doyle
- Lindsay Owens
- Lisa Hernandez
- Lisa Nelson
- Lynsey Walker
- Margarita Shirinian
- Maria Adams
- Maria Jurado
- Mark Lewis
- Martin Torres
- Megan Lindeman
- Meghan Chandler
- Meghan Hawkes
- Michael Bobo
- Michelle Ramin
- Miguel Castro
- Mike Leese
- Mitzi Sloniger
- Monica Gutierrez
- Monica Huizar
- Monishia Miller
- Nancy Bliss Estes
- Nancy Pirozzi
- Nancy Quinones
- Natalie Morford
- Nicole Capps
- Patty Worsham
- Paul Van Hulle
- Peggy Campo
- Phu Tran - IN MEMORIAM
- Rosalio Cedillo
- Ruben Aguilar
- Sandra Popiden
- Sara Nafzgar
- Sarah Burnett
- Sean Davis
- Sharese Tronti
- Sigrid Williams
- Starlene Justice
- Steff Warsinski
- Stephany Kyriakos
- Stephen Park
- Steven Camacho
- Steven Chang
- Suzanne Witmer
- Svetlana Borissova
- Tami Comstock
- Ted Jackson
- Teresa Friedrich Finnern
- Tim Wallstrom
- Timothy Mount
- Timothy Russell
- Tyler Walton
- Val Graham
- Virgil Lee
- Vivian Harris
- Walter Stevens
- Weining Cui
- William Whalen
- Zarif Shehata
- Zina Chacon
- Professional Development
- Faculty Professional Development Funding Request
- FLEX Requirements
- Race and Equity Trainings
- Faculty Professional Development Committee
- Classified Professional Development Committee
- LinkedIn Learning
- Training and Development Videos
- Teaching & Learning Committee
- Leading from the Middle Professional Development Plan
- Strategic Development