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Instructor Copies

If the textbook, teacher's manual, and/or supplementary materials are not available in the department office, instructors may obtain a textbook by contacting the publisher and requesting a complimentary copy. If a copy is needed immediately, the instructor can purchase a copy from the College Bookstore and return it, after their complimentary copy has arrived from the publisher for a full refund if in the same "new" condition. The bookstore will supply you with phone numbers for the publisher.

Supplemental Texts

If an instructor desires supplementary texts or other materials (which are not required), he or she completes a Request for Supplemental Textbook Adoption form, available in the department office, and submits it to the department chair for action.

Textbook Adoption

Each department has its own textbook adoption policy. Instructors should consult with their department chair about the current adoption practices. Generally, instructors select their own textbooks with departmental approval. If an instructor wishes to adopt a new textbook, he or she should complete the textbook adoption form available in the department office and forward it to the department chair for action. Textbooks are ordered through the department office.

Access Codes

For Open Campus classes and traditional classes that use E-packs, software, or instructional materials that charge a fee, it is important to note that a student cannot be dropped from class for failing/refusing to purchase an access code.


Visit the  website to learn more about faculty services.
Phone: (951) 372-7085


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